Our People Stories:
KS's Story

How strength-based care leads to success

We were asked to provide support to a male who, following a road traffic accident, had an acquired brain injury which left him unable to mobilize. He also obtained complex care needs and behaviours due to his injury.

Prior to discharge from the Queen Elizabeth Foundation, a training day was planned with the individual and his family, the whole Multi-Disciplinary Team and his TBIS support team.

The training day covered his specific needs and involved the Neuropsychologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Case Manager, Speech and Language Therapist, as well as his family, who gave an insight into the individual’s history, goals, aspirations, and the adapted vehicle he drove. 

The guidance from this Multi-Disciplinary Team was included within our person-centred care plan and, on discharge from the Queen Elizabeth Foundation, we provided double up care during the day and waking nights.  Thanks to the consistency of the TBIS support team working towards the goals and strengths of the individual, support has now been reduced to one support worker during the day and we are looking to further reduce this to sleeping nights.

They can now walk with a pole and no longer needs a wheelchair. Plus, they regularly use a rollator in the community. To say this individual has grown in confidence is an understatement as he has now also transitioned from male to female. We are exceptionally proud of how far they have come and it has been a privilege to support them on their incredible journey of rehabilitation.

VAT Number: GB 396 4030 84
Registered number: 06251793
Registered office: First Floor Suite, Shire Hall, High Pavement, Nottingham, NG1 1HN
Team Brain Injury Support, registered in England
Tel: 0115 857 2928
e-mail: info@teambi.co.uk
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