Quality Assurance

Acuity Group Care are always keen to provide the best possible service and to do this we continually check on what we are doing via our audit processes, as well as speaking with with our staff, external partners and professionals who have opportunities to see and judge our work. Above all, we listen to the people that use our services. This process is called quality assurance, which involves:

The benefits of PASS and openPASS

Our client records are held on our electronic care planning system, PASS. This enables all our client’s care plans and details to be accessed via a computer tablet in their own home by their Support Workers. It also means that any changes to our client’s records can be made in real time. Additionally, our clients are able to share this information with their family members and/or professionals involved in their care, by giving them access to openPASS, should this be something they choose to do.

VAT Number: GB 396 4030 84
Registered number: 06251793
Registered office: First Floor Suite, Shire Hall, High Pavement, Nottingham, NG1 1HN
Team Brain Injury Support, registered in England
Tel: 0115 857 2928
e-mail: info@teambi.co.uk
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Team Brain Injury Support - Managed by ARVITENI