Our People's Stories:
TG’s Story

how personalised care improves outcomes

In November 2015, when TG was only eight years of age, he was out trick or treating for Halloween when he suddenly felt very ill and had to go back home to bed.

The following morning, TG had a severe seizure which was brought on through Encephalitis – an inflammation of the brain, caused by infection.

This left TG with a brain injury, dystonia, and osteopenia. The brain injury affected TG’s cognitive abilities to the point where he cannot communicate verbally. He is also physically disabled.

 Team Brain Injury worked closely with the Occupational Therapist, Neuro-Consultant, TG’s family, and Social Worker to recruit the right team of carers, whilst developing a bespoke care and support package to meet all TG’s social and healthcare needs. This meant TG could continue to live at home with his family and we have now supported them for almost six years.

TG is now fourteen, and we support him to live the best quality life he possibly can. This includes him attending specialist education/school through the week, where he learns, socialises, and engages in various activities. We also work very closely with the school nurse.   

 Some of the things TG loves to do at home include watching his two cats play with each other, spending time in the garden, planting vegetables with his Mum, and watching his Stepdad play Fortnite on the PlayStation.

We are very privileged to have been a part of TG’s journey and feel hugely proud of our specialist team who have dedicated their time to understanding TG’s needs so he can continue to progress well.

VAT Number: GB 396 4030 84
Registered number: 06251793
Registered office: First Floor Suite, Shire Hall, High Pavement, Nottingham, NG1 1HN
Team Brain Injury Support, registered in England
Tel: 0115 857 2928
e-mail: info@teambi.co.uk
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